1.The first route will take us to visit las Pinturas Rupestres (Cave Paintings in the area of Pla de Petracos) , Vall de Ebo (la Cova del Rull, Rull’s cave), Vall de Alcalá (Nevero, Moorish abandoned town La Adzuvieta, and Al-zaraq fountain in the square), Beniaia, Tollos, Fageca and Famorca.
2.Towards Parcent (Parcent Wine cellar and Gutierrez de la Vega Wine cellar), Jalón (second- hand market and wine cellar/olive oil cooperative Virgen Pobre), Benidoleig ( Cueva de las Caaveras, Skull’s Cave) and Vall de Laguart.
3. Tárbena, Bolulla, Callosa d’en Sarrià (Fonts de l’Algar, Algar Fountains ), Castell de Guadalest , Altea ( old town).

• ROUTE 1: PR.CV-46 Callosa – Castells: Starts from the town called Callosa D´Ensarriá and goes through Bolulla, Castellet de Bolulla (Bolulla´s Castle) , Xorquet, plans d’Ayalt, and through the old path goes down to Castells.
• El Castellet : PR.CV-149 Castells – Penya del Castellet – Castells. Circular route that takes us from the town to the campsite and from there, through the old path that used to communicate the town with the Guadalest Valley, takes us up to the remains of an ancient Arab castle in the Serrella mountains.
• Morro Blau : PR.CV-150 Castells- Morro Blau. Starting from Castells, going through Castellet´s Hill and through the Aixortà mountains, it takes us to Teixos’ Foutain and to the highest spot of the Aixotà Mountains.
• Els Arcs (Natural Arches): PR.CV- 151 This route starts in Plans d’Ayalt (CV-752, PK.7,00) and goes to the Arches, which is a rocky formation of great singularity and declared as Protected Space by the Ministry.
• ROUTE 5: PR.CV-168 Circular route that goes from Castells, Famorca, Fageca, Benimassot, barranc de malafí (Malafi´s ravine) , Pla de Petracos and Castells